Forwarding of DPC proposal: Guidance for Ministries & Departments | UPSC

Forwarding of DPC proposal: Guidance for Ministries & Departments

Forwarding of DPC Proposals : Guidance For Ministries/ Departments

The following information is required to be furnished for the purpose of convening of  DPCs:-

1. DPC Check List - Proforma-A

2. Proforma for DPC in terms of DOP&T OM No.22011/5/86-Estt(D) dated 10.4.1989 - Proforma-B

3Details of occurrence of vacancies
    (i)  The reason and date of occurrence of each vacancy should be mentioned clearly
    (ii) Details of anticipated vacancies to be given
    (iii) Copy of order in each case of new creation of post /vacancy create by deputation should be given.

4.  Note  for DPC, duly signed by US/DS

5.  Copy of latest Notified Recruitment Rules 

6.  Seniority List Proforma C: in terms of DOP&T OM No.22011/5/86-Estt(D) dated 10.4.1989
    i.  Circular showing that the list has been circulated. 
    ii. Addition/deletion Proforma C (a) should be shown separately  
    iii. Any litigation regarding Seniority List should be communicated
    iv. Seniority List should be authenticated by an officer not below the level of Under Secretary
     v. UPSC reference number should be given under which officers where appointed/recommended

7. Eligibility List 

    (i)   If panels have to be prepared for more than one year, year-wise eligibility list must be provided
    (ii)  If Educational qualification prescribed for direct recruitment also apply for promotees, the educational qualification for all officers in the eligibility list must be mentioned.
    (iii) It should be ensured that all officers who were in position as on the crucial date ( including those who have since retired / expired) should be included in the eligibility list, if they fall with in the zone. 

8. Reservation position may be clearly mentioned  A Certificate from Liaison Officer in connection with filling up of SC/ST vacancies.

9. ACRs - 
    (i)  Original ACRs of all officers in the eligibility list must be forwarded
   (ii)  In case ACRs for an officers are not available, a non- initiation certificate giving reasons for non availability, may be provided
   (iii) Detailed statement in respect of each officer showing year-wise availability of ACRs  Proforma-D 

10. Integrity Certificate in terms of DOP&T OM No.22011/5/86-Estt (D) dated 10.4.1989 to be signed by an officer not below the rank of Deputy Secretary.

11Vigilance Clearance in terms of DOP&T OM No.22011/4/91-Estt(A) dated 14.9.1992 - Proforma-E 

12. Penalty Statement for last ten years - Proforma-F 

13. UPSC reference number of previous DPC should be given along with a certificate that the earlier panel has been exhausted.

14. Completion Certificate by JS/AS or equivalent.

15.Review DPCs
     (i) Whether copy of the court order/judgement on the basis of which Review DPC has been proposed is furnished.  
    (ii) Whether copy of order (revising the seniority/expunging the adverse remarks etc) necessitating the review has been furnished.
    (iii) Whether a detailed Note for DPC giving reasons for review has been furnished.

16. Whether Review of Recruitment Rules has been done in terms of DOP&T OM No.AB-14017/12/87-Estt (RR) dated 18.3.1988 read with OM No.AB-14017/2/97-Estt (RR) dated 25.5.98.