Attention of the general public is drawn to the fact that some persons/organizations/coaching centres etc. are using the Union Public Service Commission’s identity name in their website etc. and trying to dupe innocent people. It is hereby informed to the public that all of these persons/organizations/coaching centres have no relation to the Commission or any of its officers. The Commission would not be responsible for any mis-representation or harm suffered by anyone in dealing with such persons/organizations/coaching centres. Such persons who are using the abbreviated name of the Commission UPSC in their website and/or using the word UPSC in their name, trade name description about their identity or activity, etc. including the coaching centres etc. are hereby warned to desist from doing so forthwith after publication of this Notice, failing which UPSC shall be at liberty to take lawful course of actions, civil/criminal, available to it against such unscrupulous persons/bodies/organizations/coaching centres etc. if they still continue to use UPSC’s name in its/his identity or website etc. with the mischievous motive/intention of misleading the General public through their misrepresentations after publication of this Notice.