Introduction | UPSC


Union Public Service Commission is a Constitutional Body, which has been mandated the responsibilities of making recruitment by conduct of competitive examinations as well as selection through interviews, advising on the suitability of officers for appointment on promotion and transfer-on-deputation, advising the Government on all matters relating to methods of recruitment to various services, framing & amendment of Recruitment Rules, disciplinary cases relating to various Civil Services, miscellaneous matters relating to grant of extra-ordinary pensions, reimbursement of legal expenses etc, advising the Government on any matter referred to the Commission by the President of India and on the request of the Governor of a State, to serve all or any of the needs of a State relating to recruitment, with the approval of the President.

In order to fulfill its constitutional obligations, the Commission is supported by Officers/Staff broadly known as Secretariat of the Commission, headed by the Secretary. The Administration Branch of the Commission is entrusted with the functions of administering the Secretariat of the Commission as well as looking after the personal matters of Hon’ble Chairman/ Hon’ble Members and other Officers/ Staff of the Commission.